Tuesday, February 2, 2016

NCS Week3 -- CSL8

Dear Parents,


Last Saturday, we studied our songs for New Year Event, as well as worked on the story of Lesson1. Before next week, please:

1. Complete pg. 6 (Friday2); pg. 12 (Friday2); pg. 17-18 (Friday1,2) in the workbook package.

2. Study the assigned picture and paragraphs in textbook pg. 13-15. For next week, students will teach their assigned paragraph to their classmates. So you need to figure out how to read it, what it means and find 3-4 useful vocabularies.

Derrick: pic 4-5; Aussie: pic 6-7; Caleb: pic 8-9; Ian: pic 10-11

3. Review the text, characters, vocabs, and structures we learned in class. Copy to or organize your notes to the NOTEBOOK. We have much more information this semester, so it is important to keep track of them.

4. Our new year event is just around the corner, so please get prepared for the pronunciation of lyrics for our two songs. We will practice with the other two classes together this Saturday.

Last but not least, if you can not make it to school, please ask for absence IN ADVANCE.

Thank you so much for your support and cooperation. Please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.

Best regards,
